CANCapture Scripting
Timeout long running scripts

The line callback feature is used to be able to some special treatment during execution of the scripts. The callback is called for every script statement, which for example makes it possible to verify if the script has executed for too long time and if so suspend the execution to be resumed at a later time.

Before calling the context's Execute method, set the callback function like so:

void ExecuteScript()
DWORD timeOut;
ctx->SetLineCallback(asFUNCTION(LineCallback), &timeOut, asCALL_CDECL);
while( status == asEXECUTION_SUSPENDED )
// Allow the long running script to execute for 10ms
timeOut = timeGetTime() + 10;
status = ctx->Execute();
// The execution was suspended, now we can do something else before
// continuing the execution with another call to Execute().
void LineCallback(asIScriptContext *ctx, DWORD *timeOut)
// If the time out is reached we suspend the script
if( *timeOut < timeGetTime() )

Take a look at the sample Events to see this working.