CANCapture Scripting
dictionary object

Path: /sdk/add_on/scriptdictionary/

The dictionary object maps string values to values or objects of other types.

Register with RegisterScriptDictionary(asIScriptEngine*).

Public C++ interface

class CScriptDictionary
// Memory management
CScriptDictionary(asIScriptEngine *engine);
void AddRef();
void Release();
// Sets/Gets a variable type value for a key
void Set(const std::string &key, void *value, int typeId);
bool Get(const std::string &key, void *value, int typeId) const;
// Sets/Gets an integer number value for a key
void Set(const std::string &key, asINT64 &value);
bool Get(const std::string &key, asINT64 &value) const;
// Sets/Gets a real number value for a key
void Set(const std::string &key, double &value);
bool Get(const std::string &key, double &value) const;
// Returns true if the key is set
bool Exists(const std::string &key) const;
// Deletes the key
void Delete(const std::string &key);
// Deletes all keys
void DeleteAll();

Public script interface

  class dictionary
    void set(const string &in key, ? &in value);
    bool get(const string &in value, ? &out value) const;
    void set(const string &in key, int64 &in value);
    bool get(const string &in key, int64 &out value) const;
    void set(const string &in key, double &in value);
    bool get(const string &in key, double &out value) const;
    bool exists(const string &in key) const;
    void delete(const string &in key);
    void deleteAll();

Script example

  dictionary dict;
  obj object;
  obj @handle;
  dict.set("one", 1);
  dict.set("object", object);
  dict.set("handle", @handle);
  if( dict.exists("one") )
    bool found = dict.get("handle", @handle);
    if( found )