CANCapture Scripting
The interface to the script modules.
Public Member Functions | |
Miscellaneous | |
virtual asIScriptEngine * | GetEngine ()=0 |
Returns a pointer to the engine. More... | |
virtual void | SetName (const char *name)=0 |
Sets the name of the module. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetName ()=0 |
Gets the name of the module. More... | |
Compilation | |
virtual int | AddScriptSection (const char *name, const char *code, size_t codeLength=0, int lineOffset=0)=0 |
Add a script section for the next build. More... | |
virtual int | Build ()=0 |
Build the previously added script sections. More... | |
Functions | |
virtual int | GetFunctionCount ()=0 |
Returns the number of global functions in the module. More... | |
virtual int | GetFunctionIdByIndex (int index)=0 |
Returns the function id by index. More... | |
virtual int | GetFunctionIdByName (const char *name)=0 |
Returns the function id by name. More... | |
virtual int | GetFunctionIdByDecl (const char *decl)=0 |
Returns the function id by declaration. More... | |
virtual asIScriptFunction * | GetFunctionDescriptorByIndex (int index)=0 |
Returns the function descriptor for the script function. More... | |
virtual asIScriptFunction * | GetFunctionDescriptorById (int funcId)=0 |
Returns the function descriptor for the script function. More... | |
Global variables | |
virtual int | ResetGlobalVars ()=0 |
Reset the global variables of the module. More... | |
virtual int | GetGlobalVarCount ()=0 |
Returns the number of global variables in the module. More... | |
virtual int | GetGlobalVarIndexByName (const char *name)=0 |
Returns the global variable index by name. More... | |
virtual int | GetGlobalVarIndexByDecl (const char *decl)=0 |
Returns the global variable index by declaration. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetGlobalVarDeclaration (int index)=0 |
Returns the global variable declaration. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetGlobalVarName (int index)=0 |
Returns the global variable name. More... | |
virtual int | GetGlobalVarTypeId (int index, bool *isConst=0)=0 |
Returns the type id for the global variable. More... | |
virtual void * | GetAddressOfGlobalVar (int index)=0 |
Returns the pointer to the global variable. More... | |
Type identification | |
virtual int | GetObjectTypeCount ()=0 |
Returns the number of object types. More... | |
virtual asIObjectType * | GetObjectTypeByIndex (asUINT index)=0 |
Returns the object type interface by index. More... | |
virtual int | GetTypeIdByDecl (const char *decl)=0 |
Returns a type id by declaration. More... | |
Enums | |
virtual int | GetEnumCount ()=0 |
Returns the number of enum types declared in the module. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetEnumByIndex (asUINT index, int *enumTypeId)=0 |
Returns the enum type. More... | |
virtual int | GetEnumValueCount (int enumTypeId)=0 |
Returns the number of values defined for the enum type. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetEnumValueByIndex (int enumTypeId, asUINT index, int *outValue)=0 |
Returns the name and value of the enum value. More... | |
Typedefs | |
virtual int | GetTypedefCount ()=0 |
Returns the number of typedefs in the module. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetTypedefByIndex (asUINT index, int *typeId)=0 |
Returns the typedef. More... | |
Dynamic binding between modules | |
virtual int | GetImportedFunctionCount ()=0 |
Returns the number of functions declared for import. More... | |
virtual int | GetImportedFunctionIndexByDecl (const char *decl)=0 |
Returns the imported function index by declaration. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetImportedFunctionDeclaration (int importIndex)=0 |
Returns the imported function declaration. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetImportedFunctionSourceModule (int importIndex)=0 |
Returns the declared imported function source module. More... | |
virtual int | BindImportedFunction (int importIndex, int funcId)=0 |
Binds an imported function to the function from another module. More... | |
virtual int | UnbindImportedFunction (int importIndex)=0 |
Unbinds an imported function. More... | |
virtual int | BindAllImportedFunctions ()=0 |
Binds all imported functions in a module, by searching their equivalents in the declared source modules. More... | |
virtual int | UnbindAllImportedFunctions ()=0 |
Unbinds all imported functions. More... | |
Bytecode saving and loading | |
virtual int | SaveByteCode (asIBinaryStream *out)=0 |
Save compiled bytecode to a binary stream. More... | |
virtual int | LoadByteCode (asIBinaryStream *in)=0 |
Load pre-compiled bytecode from a binary stream. More... | |
pure virtual |
[in] | name | The name of the script section |
[in] | code | The script code buffer |
[in] | codeLength | The length of the script code |
[in] | lineOffset | An offset that will be added to compiler message line numbers |
asMODULE_IS_IN_USE | The module is currently in use. |
This adds a script section to the module. All sections added will be treated as if one large script. Errors reported will give the name of the corresponding section.
The code added is copied by the engine, so there is no need to keep the original buffer after the call. Note that this can be changed by setting the engine property asEP_COPY_SCRIPT_SECTIONS with asIScriptEngine::SetEngineProperty.
pure virtual |
asERROR | An error occurred. |
asCANT_BIND_ALL_FUNCTIONS | Not all functions where bound. |
This functions tries to bind all imported functions in the module by searching for matching functions in the suggested modules. If a function cannot be bound the function will give an error asCANT_BIND_ALL_FUNCTIONS, but it will continue binding the rest of the functions.
pure virtual |
[in] | importIndex | The index of the imported function. |
[in] | funcId | The function id of the function that will be bound to the imported function. |
asNO_FUNCTION | importIndex or fundId is incorrect. |
asINVALID_INTERFACE | The signature of function doesn't match the import statement. |
The imported function is only bound if the functions have the exact same signature, i.e the same return type, and parameters.
pure virtual |
asINVALID_CONFIGURATION | The engine configuration is invalid. |
asERROR | The script failed to build. |
asBUILD_IN_PROGRESS | Another thread is currently building. |
Builds the script based on the added sections, and registered types and functions. After the build is complete the script sections are removed to free memory. If the script module needs to be rebuilt all of the script sections needs to be added again.
Compiler messages are sent to the message callback function set with asIScriptEngine::SetMessageCallback. If there are no errors or warnings, no messages will be sent to the callback function.
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the global variable. |
This method should be used to retrieve the pointer of a variable that you wish to access.
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the enum type. |
[out] | enumTypeId | Receives the type id of the enum type. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | enumTypeId | The type id of the enum type. |
[in] | index | The index of the enum value. |
[out] | outValue | Receives the numeric value. |
pure virtual |
[in] | enumTypeId | The type id of the enum type. |
asINVALID_ARG | enumTypeId is not an enum type. |
pure virtual |
asERROR | The module was not compiled successfully. |
This method retrieves the number of compiled script functions.
pure virtual |
[in] | funcId | The id of the function or method. |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the function. |
pure virtual |
[in] | decl | The function signature. |
asERROR | The module was not compiled successfully. |
asINVALID_DECLARATION | The decl is invalid. |
asMULTIPLE_FUNCTIONS | Found multiple matching functions. |
asNO_FUNCTION | Didn't find any matching functions. |
This method should be used to retrieve the id of the script function that you wish to execute. The id is then sent to the context's Prepare method.
The method will find the script function with the exact same declaration.
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the function. |
asNO_FUNCTION | There is no function with that index. |
This method should be used to retrieve the id of the script function that you wish to execute. The id is then sent to the context's Prepare method.
pure virtual |
[in] | name | The name of the function. |
asERROR | The module was not compiled successfully. |
asMULTIPLE_FUNCTIONS | Found multiple matching functions. |
asNO_FUNCTION | Didn't find any matching functions. |
This method should be used to retrieve the id of the script function that you wish to execute. The id is then sent to the context's Prepare method.
pure virtual |
asERROR | The module was not compiled successfully. |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the global variable. |
This method can be used to retrieve the variable declaration of the script variables that the host application will access. Verifying the declaration is important because, even though the script may compile correctly the user may not have used the variable types as intended.
pure virtual |
[in] | decl | The global variable declaration. |
asERROR | The module was not built successfully. |
asNO_GLOBAL_VAR | The matching global variable was found. |
This method should be used to retrieve the index of the script variable that you wish to access.
The method will find the script variable with the exact same declaration.
pure virtual |
[in] | name | The name of the global variable. |
asERROR | The module was not built successfully. |
asNO_GLOBAL_VAR | The matching global variable was found. |
This method should be used to retrieve the index of the script variable that you wish to access.
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the global variable. |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the global variable. |
[out] | isConst | Receives the constness indicator of the variable. |
asINVALID_ARG | The index is out of range. |
pure virtual |
asERROR | The module was not built successfully. |
This function returns the number of functions that are imported in a module. These functions need to be bound before they can be used, or a script exception will be thrown.
pure virtual |
[in] | importIndex | The index of the imported function. |
Use this function to get the declaration of the imported function. The returned declaration can be used to find a matching function in another module that can be bound to the imported function.
pure virtual |
[in] | decl | The function declaration of the imported function. |
asERROR | The module was not built successfully. |
asMULTIPLE_FUNCTIONS | Found multiple matching functions. |
asNO_FUNCTION | Didn't find any matching function. |
This function is used to find a specific imported function by its declaration.
pure virtual |
[in] | importIndex | The index of the imported function. |
Use this function to get the name of the suggested module to import the function from.
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the type. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the typedef. |
[out] | typeId | The type that the typedef aliases. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | decl | The declaration of the type. |
asINVALID_TYPE | decl is not a valid type. |
Translates a type declaration into a type id. The returned type id is valid for as long as the type is valid, so you can safely store it for later use to avoid potential overhead by calling this function each time. Just remember to update the type id, any time the type is changed within the engine, e.g. when recompiling script declared classes, or changing the engine configuration.
The type id is based on a sequence number and depends on the order in which the type ids are queried, thus is not guaranteed to always be the same for each execution of the application. The asETypeIdFlags can be used to obtain some information about the type directly from the id.
A base type yields the same type id whether the declaration is const or not, however if the const is for the subtype then the type id is different, e.g. string@ isn't the same as const string@ but string is the same as const string.
pure virtual |
[in] | in | The input stream. |
asINVALID_ARG | The stream object wasn't specified. |
asBUILD_IN_PROGRESS | Another thread is currently building. |
This method is used to load pre-compiled byte code from disk or memory. The application must implement an object that inherits from asIBinaryStream to provide the necessary stream operations.
It is expected that the application performs the necessary validations to make sure the pre-compiled byte code is from a trusted source. The application should also make sure the pre-compiled byte code is compatible with the current engine configuration, i.e. that the engine has been configured in the same way as when the byte code was first compiled.
pure virtual |
asERROR | The module was not compiled successfully. |
Resets the global variables declared in this module to their initial value.
pure virtual |
[in] | out | The output stream. |
asINVALID_ARG | The stream object wasn't specified. |
This method is used to save pre-compiled byte code to disk or memory, for a later restoral. The application must implement an object that inherits from asIBinaryStream to provide the necessary stream operations.
The pre-compiled byte code is currently not platform independent, so you need to make sure the byte code is compiled on a platform that is compatible with the one that will load it.
pure virtual |
[in] | name | The new name. |
Sets the name of the script module.
pure virtual |
Unbinds all imported functions in the module.
pure virtual |
[in] | importIndex | The index of the imported function. |
asINVALID_ARG | The index is not valid. Unbinds the imported function. |